Inspiration for your self practise

First breath, expansive and spacious, reminding us to receive, to let go. That we have the innate capacity to regenerate but also to shed what no longer belongs to us. Feeling how this ripples out beyond our lungs, like branches of an ancient tree, through every spiralling fibre of our being beyond our porous skin to the body of our earth, the vast sky.

Our physiology embodying 6 million years of evolutionary wisdom.

Our earth 4.5 billion.

Practising to dive into felt experience to celebrate our humanity to meet presence.

And finally easing towards quiet once more, integration, discovering the moments where even our breath can be still, can suspend, witnessing source; the peace, joy, wonder residing beneath all movement.

Books / Teachers

  • Philip Shepherd - Radical Wholeness As my friend and teacher Paula Andreewitch succinctly says “It’s a yoga book that never mentions yoga; accessible, beautiful, inspiring, practical.”

  • Small Arcs of Larger Circles, Framing Through Other Patterns - Nora Bateson

    A beautiful collection of Essays, reflections and poems which I use alot in class.

  • Breath - James Nestor. A fascinating and holistic insight into the history and science of our breath.

  • Yoga : A Manual for Life - Naomi Annand. A lovely companion for your self practise.

  • The Living Gita - A complete dive into the epic Bhagavad Gite with Commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda.

  • The Recognition Sutras - Translation by Chris Wallis

    Considered to be the best translation of this 1000-year-old text with powerful insights into the nature of reality that transcend Millenia!

  • Body, Space, Image - Miranda Tufnell & Chris Crickmay Words to inspire movement, this book was made for dance but the imagery and suggestions are wonderful for a somatic yoga practise also.

  • The Thinking Body - Mabel E.Todd A classic in the study of physiology.

  • Lecturer, Bodyworker, and Author of the Strange Series tackling Pain, Anxiety, Trauma and Touch with the most current research presented in the most engaging and accessible way, check out his books, podcasts, TRE® work and Craniosacral Therapy above.

  • Joanne speaks about anatomy, fascia, and tensegrity in the most accessible yet beautifully poetic way, she’s an author, podcast maker and creates wonderful courses to dive deeper into these subjects.

  • Bonnie creates wonderful experiential anatomy otherwise known as Body-Mind Centering.

  • I was so fortunate to have such excellent mentors on my Advanced Teacher Training, check out their books/teachings/retreats here: &

  • Scientist Dr. Andrew Huberman presents the latest fascinating research on everything from our gut to our Circadian Rhythms. All free but as a result with some advertising to skip through.


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Photos from our Dance/Yoga Retreat in the Pyrenees, 2018